Weather is Definitely Important

This weekend we have had absolutely beautiful days and nights.  I had the opportunity to go to the Northridge Game Friday night (Go Jags!) and the Alabama game on Saturday (Roll Tide!).   It was a great weekend for football.  The weather was absolutely perfect, which brings me to a beautiful lead in for our next chapter in How to Read Literature Like a Professor.

This chapter is all about the weather.  You guessed it.  I dialed up a beautiful weekend for us and made sure that the chapter coincided with it because I am just that good!   Well,  maybe not quite that amazing.  I really just  got lucky.  The important thing to remember, as well as our takeaway from this chapter and the beautiful weekend is that  weather is important in literature.  Let me say that again!  Weather is important in literature.

“Weather is never just weather.  It’s never just rain. And that goes for snow, sun, warmth, cold, and probably sleet,” according to Foster (70).   This very short chapter has something to say about all that weather that we read about in literature.   Nothing is just a word when it comes to writers.  Every word is important.


Your task today is to discuss the importance of weather in a specific literary work, not in terms of plot, but in terms of analysis.  I can’t wait to read your thoughts that you came up with when you read this chapter.

Also, make sure that you have everything completed through chapter 11 for TKAM and are ready for that last quiz.  You should have a thesis statement draft.  We completely understand the difference between claims and statements now!  I am looking forward to those claims (thesis statements).

Happy posting on the weather chapter.  See you tomorrow in class.  I can’t wait to see you!

Be there or be square.

Miss Bailey


21 thoughts on “Weather is Definitely Important

  1. Weather is very important to a storys setting and mood. It can create all kinds of effects on how the reader sees the story. For example: In Cinderella story, as she finds her Prince Charming, and is free from her step mother/ sisters it begins to rain. And the rain kind of represents the cleanliness/ freedom from her old life.

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  2. In literature, weather is completely necessary when trying to understand the deeper meaning of things. When the author brings weather into a book, he/she is probably trying to tell you something with out being direct. They want you to think outside of the box and make your own inferences without being told. If the author for example uses rain, or the character is sitting or walking in the rain, they are usually trying to lead on that there is going to be a cleansing really soon. A point of understanding if you will. Let us say that a character is reflecting on past events that happened, and it is raining outside. This character will usually overcome what had happened, and is now “reborn” within the book. Rain could also be a time where the character is being “drowned”, or a burden has been placed on them. Rain can basicaly mean anything that you want if you infere and analyze what the author is trying to convey. The same thing with rainbows. They are usually a sign for hope and promise. Take the biblical story “Noah and the Ark”. After the flood, God promised Noah that everything will be calm soon again, and he brought peace to the world. God’s promise was resembled with a rainbow at the end of the story. Weather is basically the same thing as seasons in literature. Spring for example, is when you are young and joyful. Winter being the opposite, and you are old and reflective during this time. Everything has a meaning in literature, and the author is trying to show you through symbolism and using meatophors with simple aspects that we thing are just “one-sided” in meaning, and applies new thought to them giving them a whole new definition. -Allison

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  3. The weather is important in literature because it can really set the mood in a work. For example, in The Shining, it’s very snowy the entire movie. This can be perceived as eerie or isolated because when it snows a lot, getting trapped in a house or building with no way to escape can be very easy.

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  4. Weather is an important part in literature or film because it can set the mood and atmosphere of the plot. For example, in the movie Airport there is a bomber on the plane, but that isn’t the only problem. There are harsh storms which makes the weather cruel and unpredictable. This weather makes it difficult to keep the plane stable. The unstable plane adds suspense to the movie and makes the mood harsh and terrifying.

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  5. in literature weather is very important. It can help portray the simplest or most hidden things. The weather can show the setting better, or can set a mood. Readers take a lot from the weather in the story, for example rain means gloomy, and the sun means happy.

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  6. Weather is very important in literature. It helps set the right mood for a certain time in the story, simply. It can set all kinds of different moods, for example, good, bad, or just mixed emotions about whatever is happening. The readers mood changes pretty much whenever the weather does. Cloudy/dark/rainy=sad/gloomy. Sunny/bright=happy

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  7. Weather is important to setting and tone. A Example of this is when someone is going into a scary house the thunder and lighting can create suspense. It also van set the tone like when someone finds out where a masked villain is the weather can thunder .

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  8. In “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, Ron decides to leave Harry and Hermione in the woods after Harry and Ron get into a fight. The same night, it starts thunder storming. “How to Read Like a Professor” said that weather can have to do with mood and/or atmosphere. In this situation, the storm sets the atmosphere of tension while it sets the mood of anger between the three characters.

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  9. In To Kill A Mockingbird, it snows. When this happens, Scout and Jem are told by their neighbor that the seasons change when children disobey their parents. Scout, Jem, and Dill most definitely do disobey when they try to sneak into the backyard of the Radley house at night to try and get a look inside even though Atticus told them multiple times to stop messing with Boo Radley. It doesn’t go well.
    The snow represents the guilt and nervousness that Scout, Jem, and Dill feel slowly settling over them becuase of what they’ve done. This applies to Jem especially because when he goes back to retrieve his pants he finds them all folded up as if someone was expecting him to come back for them. This makes him even more guilty and nervous because he knows that someone is aware of what he has done.

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  10. One example of weather being used in terms of analysis is during the night that Scout and Jem get attacked by Bob Ewell in “To Kill a Mockingbird”. Apart from the stark darkness in the field giving an opportunity for Mr. Ewell to attack the children, it also gives a feeling of creepiness and adds suspense to the moment and gives more action to Bob’s attack.

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  11. The weather in a story is very important to the story line and the events that are included. In ‘To Kill A Mockingbird”, it snows and Scout and Jem get very excited. This change in the weather is very important because it allows Jem and Scout to build a snowman and it causes Miss Maudie to turn up the heat and her house and light a fire. This fire ends up catching her house on fire and this makes Scout go outside so that Boo can drape a blanket over her shoulders. This event is important because it gives readers a better idea of Boo’s personality. But that wouldn’t have happened if it didn’t snow.

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  12. Weather plays a bigger role in alliterative than you think. It can make many good and bad actions happen. For example, in To Kill a Mockingbird, it snowed in the winter for the first time in a while. Scout and Jem were very happen that it did as they built a snowman that lasted for about a day. When it snowed it caused Mrs. Maudie to turn the heat up which led to her house being burned down. Weather can display good and bad events.

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  13. Weather is lot more important than you may think it is. In TKAM is snowed for the first time in a while. Scout and Jem were very excited because they live in Alabama and Alabama rarely gets snow. Scout and Jem built a snowman outside. The house was cold so Mrs. Maudie turned the heat up and she turned it up to much which caused the house to burn down.

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